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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

On the eve of the new year

Good Morning everyone!

I feel like I haven't posted in forever. This is the first morning in three days I haven't had to shower to open my eyes. I can breath pretty well and there is more productive coughing and less painful coughing. This is a good sign.

ahh you've noticed I am sick! I rarely get sick, when I do it's usually something pretty strong. This feels like a pnuemonia but is clearing up on it's own.5-7 days later. I actually went to the doctor this time because somehow in the middle of this cold my eyes started burning and oozing. I didn't think of pinkeye because I haven't been around a bunch of kids, but it was!

It was my first visit to a doctor in a couple of years. I was expecting to have some kind of antibiotic handed to me for the cold..since it was certainly bacterial..I was coughing up obscene colonies of bacterial life, and after the diagnosis of pinkeye I thought I would have one for it too.

but it turns out that pinkeye is viral. The doc told me they used to prescribe antibiotics primarily because employers and parents demanded it. He suggested I get some kind of anti itch eye drops and use that for symptom relief and let it run it's worked!

He did give me a prescription for the chest cold, but strongly suggested I wait it out too. and while I am sure it would be over by now with the antibiotics, it is almost gone..and that's the way I like to do it anyway. I was upset about the excessive antibiotic use by medicine 10 years ago.. my mother used far too many until she needed the strong ones for even a mild cold. There were times she'd no sooner finish a round than have to start another. she had some highly resistant bacteria in her system.

I have the prescription in case this just lingers or flares up again..but I'd rather not use it.

So this illness couldn't have hit at a worse time. We're finishing all the pots to send to Florida, and I have plans to make more. I guess not. We're supposed to deliver pottery and go to Jessa's New Years party this weekend, but I am not sure if we'll be done with the pots or if we'll be feeling well enough. Ro is just starting to get sick, with what I assume is the same thing I am finishing.

We fired a kiln last night. I am heading down to glaze in a few minutes..We need to glaze a lot.

3 more kilns I think.

Really all I want to do is lay around.and catch up on movies.

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