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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Another Day off! and State of the Studio

Rowan had to remind me tonight that Friday is the last day of studio work until Sunday. Saturdays off mean I shouldn't throw a bunch of stuff on Fridays that will need attention on Saturday. *sigh* days off are good, but I am used to working whenever the clay needs me, and I am used to creating more as soon as I finish trimming. I'll have to work on this...

Today was an excellent studio day. I started off throwing 31 round mugs, then moved on to trimming and adding handles to nearly 40 Tankards. This evening after realizing I would be off Saturday I decided to throw more big bowls and a pie plate. I kind of hoped to get started on the glazing, but it will have to wait for tomorrow too. One good thing about taking Saturdays off is that we now have a great day to fire kilns. We won't be in the studio on Satuday, so firing Friday to Saturday is a great solution to keep us out of the superheated basement (usually 95F to 105F) over the summer.

Rowan joined me today and unloaded a bisc kiln, cleaned and waxed all the biscware, then added O&A to tankards as well as a few special order medallions. While doing that she also managed to do all the dishes in our sink twice, add pieces to Etsy and reload the kiln with greenware for another bisc. It's not quite full so we'll wait until tomorrow to finish it. She's something else. Whenever I work hard, she works harder. She's probably done more that I don't even know about. She's sneaky like that.