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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Back in the studio again

It was a fun weekend, getting out of town and selling at a convention center in Manchester, NH was a much needed break in our routine. The show even went passably well. Not what we hoped for, but not what we feared either.


What's the difference between a crafts fair artist and a dog?

Answer: The dog will eventually stop whining!

So anyway, the show went passably well and we got all jazzed up from the people loving our stuff and now that we're home and recovered we're getting back into the swing of production. I threw 40 mug bodies, 1/2 round and 1/2 the travel style that fit into car cup holders. Then I paused to wedge some 2lb balls of clay to make soup mugs and cereal bowls. I made about 8 of them but then decided the rest would wait until tomorrow.

I decided at the beginning of the year that this was going to be the year I got ahead on production so I didn't ever have to rush to go to a show. So far so good. Everything has been getting done in a timely manner and at the time of this writing I would say I am on schedule and about to step into the well-prepared zone. I have a couple special orders to finish up, and I have a gallery to fill and Etsy to keep stocked, but in general I can safely say am ready for the next show, but not the one after that. That should change by the end of next week.

Now it's bedtime..we have a busy day tomorrow!

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