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Thursday, October 1, 2009

"The Good and the UGLY"or "Opening the Kiln"

I had some lovely and downright awful pots in the kiln today. I'm almost over it, but I had a lot of stress riding on some special order pieces that were due tomorrow. Of course they were the ugly ones. I was trying for a somewhat dangerous glaze combination. Dangerous in that it can often run off the pot and stick it to the shelf, which is exactly what happened. It took me a couple hours to calm down after this..but once I did I realized I had some gorgeous stuff in there too. So here are the pictures.

Tomorrow I am running back to Harrisburg to the supplier, then to the Faire to drop off the pots for the Faire, then to Jessa's to drop off the pots she is taking to the Vegas Faire. The Vegas Faire is supposed to be a top notch money show..I am only sending along enough for a table, but I hope people snap up the pottery.

I am planning to stop in Lancaster again tomorrow on the way back to hear some well crafted words read by my dear friend Gwyn who I have known since High School. She is a poet, not a self proclaimed one, but one with a degree in Poetry. Should be fun!

My only worry now is that it's going to be a long day. The reading is at 5:30. I am hoping to have at least a few minutes to visit with Gwyn, then I'll be on the road back home..about 2.5 hours.

The sad part of this is that while Ro won't be with me, she'll probably be busy until I get home too. She's on Oasis duty till 6, then there is a HS football game where Cath with be cheering..she's going to get home 9-10ish too. I sure hope Saturday is a peaceful day. We need another break.

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