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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Greenback Blues

Feeling it hard's a beautiful day and the sunshine makes me happy, but I'm bummed out about our finances. The big picture isn't so bad, but as always it's the cash flow....flowing out more than in right now. I need that shop in the backyard NOW. A few weekend sales would trake care of the whole mess.

*sigh* new clutch in the Neon $670

Both the blazer and the truck have to be inspected last month..yep..just noticed, no time now..

Ro is heading off to another money sucker...Nationals for Cath's Cheerleading Squad.. Ocean City Maryland, hotel for 2 nights on the beach..$250 plus gas plus $110 entry fee for Cath PLUS $40 just to get in the door as a spectator.

Morgan killed a tire on the blazer last week. $75

Morgan has a Tae Kwon Do tournament this weekend $40

I spent $30 on hangers for the plate show, maybe someone will buy a few :)

Time to pay the mortgage and the phone bill as well as another installment on the gas and oil bills.

OH yeah..groceries. ugh.

So yeah. Let's hope for good sales this weekend. Next weeks expenses won't be nearly this bad.

Anyone need some mugs?

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